11th Natural Products Expo India

29 February - 2 March 2024

World Trade Centre, Mumbai, India.

South Asia's Only Int'l Trade Fair On
All Natural Ingredients, Organic & Health Products


Panacea –The Global Natural Products Meeting Place in South Asia

Natural Products and the organic food market in India is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20 – 23% between 2021 and 2026.

The Global Health & Wellness Market size was estimated at USD 104.27 billion in 2021, USD 113.80 billion in 2022, and is projected to grow at a CAGR 9.24% to reach USD 177.25 billion by 2027.

India is the world's fastest growing health foods market and forecasted to become a $30 billion sector by 2026. The beauty and personal care product market in India is currently valued at $26.8 Bn and is poised to reach $37.2 Bn by 2025. The market for herbal products is seeing substantial growth too and is expected to grow at 15-20%.

Compared to many other sectors in India, exports of natural ingredients, organic and health products have shown a rapid growth in the last 5 years. Also, there has been a major shift in consumer preferences for these products with purchase notching a hike of 95% in the past 5 years. A recent survey reveals that nearly two-thirds of Indian households today in the high & middle income groups have reported a substantial increase in the consumption of these products.

And Natural Products Expo India is the perfect forum to meet this emerging market needs, providing excellent results and market exposure throughout the South Asian region .Every 2 years, thousands of industry's professionals & buyers gather at Natural Products Expo India to source new ingredients and products, analyze industry trends and practices to increase their business.

Expand your horizons!

Secure your stand at Panacea and catch the right pulse of the industry by networking with thousands of focused exporters, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, health practitioners and food service professionals.

How will you benefit?

  • Get connected to potential buyers
  • Meet genuine trade visitors
  • Discover new products, new business
  • Create Awareness for your brands
  • Launch new products
  • Generate Sales Leads
  • Network with existing customers
  • Make immediate sales